Yesterday, I finally got around to taking Caleb to the library's "Baby Rhyme Time". It's been something that I thought I should have started a long time ago especially since I'm home with him. But I have been putting it off mainly because it was something new and unfamiliar to him... and to me.
I thought it went very well. The librarian was very enthusiastic and did a great job of including all of the little people (and big people). There were about a dozen pre-walkers there, plus parents and older siblings (which were also included in the activities).
Caleb wasn't sure about it at first (which isn't uncommon for him). I set him on the floor in front of me, but he started to turn around, grab my legs, and whimper. So he spent the singing, reading, and bubble time on my lap. After the activities were over, they brought out a bin of toys to play with, so then he started moving around to get the toys. I think that as we continue to participate, he will become more comfortable.
So Caleb doesn't always eat in the middle of the night. He often sleeps all the way through, but once in a while, he does wake up to eat. Usually when he does, he eats, then he becomes all arms and legs and cries until I get him back in bed, then he goes right back to sleep. Last night though, he woke up and after he ate, he just laid against me and we rocked and cuddled for a while. Very Sweet :)
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